Saturday, March 14, 2009

Historical Anecdote 2

Okay, my plan for doing 'one a week' of these things is pretty much dead (it's been what, four or five months since the last one?). So now I basically will do them when I can/find an interesting one.

This one is another ancient Greek account, although not quite so ancient. Phillip II of Macedonia (Alexander's father) had conquered pretty much all of Greece, except Sparta, which by then had lost most of its former presitge. He sent a message to the Spartans demanding their surrender, saying "You are advised to submit without further delay. If I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city." The Spartans sent back a single word in response:
Neither Phillip nor Alexander ever attempted to invade Sparta. So, let's hear it for sheer pride, fortitude, and clear speaking.