Sunday, October 2, 2011

Call to arms

Sudden changes rock my being
Sudden answers, sudden laughter
Up I spring, I cannot rest now!
Worlds are opening to conquer!
Foes now press from every side and
Hark! The trumpets and the clatter!
Swords are clashing, spears are shining
Horses neighing, shields are shattered
Arrows flying, cannon roaring
Hosts invisible and armored
Marching past while I lay dozing
I, who proud professed my honor
I, so eager for the battle
Shed my blood for causes lesser
Shall I lay and play the coward?
Shall I stay a mere deserter?
Sword! A sword! Give me my weapon!
Beat my heart to match this drummer!
Give me a place in this great army!
Marching makes the legs grow stronger!
Obedience makes our freedom sweeter!
Now shall I seek for true glory!
Now shall I live in true valor!
Shirt of hair now be my breast-plate;
Scripture be my keen-edge saber!
Queen of Heaven be my damsel
Christ my King and Pope commander
Inmost thoughts my field of battle
Foes be devils and all error
Fall I may, but fall in glory
Laughter on my lips and prayer
Let my heart with steel be sharing
Men, now rally ‘round my banner
March to battle and to glory
Hark! Your King calls you for soldiers
Join my company and serve Him
All the Earth our feet shall wander
Ever seeking our next battle
To no coast will our blood be stranger
‘Til at last the war is ended
So my soul declares in fervor
Racing forward past all reason
Oaths I take within my fever
Bind me still when I awaken

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